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Plan Monitor

1 reviews
14.1 k downloads

Control your smartphone's invoices and data with Trecone México

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Unlock the potential to economize on mobile data with Plan Monitor—an essential app for managing and tracking your data usage effectively. The primary aim of this application is to give users control over their monthly data plan by providing tools for monitoring both mobile and Wi-Fi consumption, independent of their service provider.

Harness the ability to keep a vigilant eye on data usage with real-time counters for both mobile and Wi-Fi. This feature allows the establishment of multiple counters, enabling the tracking of various aspects of data consumption tailored to specific needs.

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The platform shines with its sophisticated statistics function, offering a clear, concise view of daily, weekly, and historical usage. It enables identification of the apps that are the most demanding on data allowances, thereby guiding adjustments in usage.

The versatility is evident as it supports users from a wide array of telecommunication carriers, including but not limited to Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, and AT&T. This universal compatibility ensures reliability regardless of network provider or country.

One of the significant advantages of using the game is the opportunity for data savings. By keeping track of usage in comparison to one's plan, it assists in avoiding unnecessary additional charges for exceeding data limits.

Embrace the proactive approach to data management with the game—your partner in attaining equilibrium between connectivity and savings.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Trecone.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.0 or higher required

Information about Plan Monitor 7.2.5

Package Name com.trecone.mx
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Utilities
Language English
4 more
Author Trecone
Downloads 14,070
Date Sep 13, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 7.2.4 Android + 7.0 Sep 12, 2024
apk 7.2.3 Android + 7.0 May 16, 2024
apk 7.2.2 Android + 7.0 May 2, 2024
apk 7.2.1 Android + 7.0 May 1, 2024
apk 7.2.0 Android + 7.0 Apr 26, 2024
apk 7.1.0 Android + 7.0 Apr 16, 2024

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